Thursday, September 3, 2020

Victim Blaming and Victim Defending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Casualty Blaming and Victim Defending - Essay Example As a rule, individuals who are uncommonly acquainted with victimology don't see the casualty as the one answerable for the wrongdoing. Notwithstanding, information about the earlier compatibility between the casualty and culprit expands the impression of casualty fault for cases, for example, spouse battery. Also, a large portion of the clinicians contend that the casualty isn't really fraudulent. Roy Baumeister; a character and social therapist, contends that indicating the victim’s obligation can be clever, in spite of ordinary explanation of unpleasantness and hostility (Said and Hitchens, 2001). Moreover, in these two ideas there are factors, for example, auxiliary exploitation, simply world theory, assault shield laws, sexual virtue and family respect which are of critical significance (Ryan, 1976). These wordings are very regular in relationship to casualty accusing and casualty protecting. According to this case, optional exploitation can be distinguished as the retraumatization of the maltreatment casualty through the reaction of the network when all is said in done. For instance on account of battered ladies, the ladies may be accused. For example, they may be blamed for not going about with regards to the specified rules set by the spouse or in any event, undermining the husband. These are the absolute most basic acts that may trigger the spouse to beat his significant other. Thus, this wonder is distinguished as optional exploitation. Assault shield laws have likewise gotten normal as per most wards. These laws are at risk for securing the supposed casualty regarding certain wonders. Another normal factor identified with the issue of casualty accusing and guarding is sexual virtue and family respect. This pervasive factor includes social connections in which ladies are for the most part accused for their unpredictable demonstrations. In conclusion, there is the simply world speculation issue which is additionally predominant in issues identified with casualty accusing and safeguarding. This viewpoint portrays the marvel that individuals accept

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cardinal & Ordinal Approach in Economics

Cardinal utility analysisHuman needs are boundless and they are of various quality. The methods at the removal of a man are rare as well as they have elective employments. Because of shortage of assets, the shopper can't fulfill every one of his needs. He needs to pick with regards to which need is to be fulfilled first and which a short time later if the assets grant. The shopper is gone up against in settling on a decision. For instance, a man’ is parched. He goes to the market and fulfills his thirst by buying coca’-cola rather than tea. We are here to look at the monetary powers which. Make him buy a specific item. The appropriate response is basic. The customer purchases an item since it gives him fulfillment. In specialized term, a purchaser buys an item since it has utility† for him. We currently look at the devices which are utilized in the examination of. Buyer behavior.Concept of utilityJevons (1835-1882) was the main financial analyst who presented the idea of utility in financial aspects. As per him ‘utility’ is the premise on which the interest of a person for a ware depends ‘Utility’ is characterized as the intensity of a ware or administration to fulfill human need. Utility in this manner is the fulfillment which is inferred by the customer by devouring the merchandise. For instance, fabric has an utility for us since we can wear it. Pen has an utility for an individual who can compose with it. The utility is emotional in nature. It varies from individual to individual. The utility of a container of wine is zero for an individual who is non-consumer while it has a high utility for a drinker.Here it might be noticed that the term ‘utility’ may not be mistaken for joy or dreadfulness which a ware provides for a person. Utility is an abstract fulfillment which shopper gets from .expending any great or administration. For example,Poison is harmful to wellbeing however it gives emotional fulfi llment to an individual who wishes to bite the dust. We can say that utility is esteem impartial.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Is painting relevant in the contemporary art world Essay

Is painting pertinent in the contemporary craftsmanship world - Essay Example The article Is painting important in the contemporary workmanship world examines the pertinence of the canvas to the contemporary craftsmanship world. This medium is painting. In spite of the fact that painting has ceaselessly rehashed itself all through current history (from the Renaissance to Modernism), it has gradually dropped out of the spotlight in significant workmanship rivalries as procedure has relapsed behind the underlying thought and tasteful nature of a specific piece. In spite of this, workmanship all in all has the intrinsic capacity to change itself consistently and smoothly over the span of history in the western world. â€Å"We can see the devastation and de-development of painting all through the movement of developments that we have suffered in the course of the last 80 years† (Pearce). Yet, is painting dead in today’s craftsmanship world? Painting is obliged by various restrictions which the craftsman is limited to work to. A composition needs move ment, is limited by just two-measurements and is bound by space, size and portability, as the work is confined by the decision of canvas. Since or in spite of these constraints, contemporary craftsmen have adopted a radically extraordinary strategy to painting. â€Å"Fast-forward to today’s current craftsmanship scene, where youthful British craftsman Damien Hirst can take out ‘spin paintings’ †aimless hazy spots of shading dissipated from a stepladder †surprisingly fast, and afterward sell them for $18,000. While he in any event put paint on canvas, Hirst’s most well known pieces are light years from the brush work of the old masters†.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Why Students in the Class of 2017 Should Not Take the New SAT Exam

// amp;amp;lt;img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src=";amp;amp;ev=PageViewamp;amp;amp;noscript=1" /amp;amp;gt;A recent article on provides three good reasons for high school students in the class of 2017not to take the "new" SAT exam, which the College Board began administering in March 2016. There are actually many reasons for students not to take the â€Å"new† SAT, but here are several key ones: There are very few practice resources available to help students prepare for the new SAT. The College Board has, to date, released only one practice PSAT, and four practice SATs geared toward the new exam. It will take time for the library of available test preparation resources to grow to the point where it is adequate for students. On the other hand, there are plenty of previously released practice exams available for the ACT. There will be inevitable glitches and delays rolling out the new SAT. For example, students who tookthe new SAT the first time it wasgiven, in March 2016, had to wait until after the new SAT was given for the second time, in May 2016, to get their March SAT results back.This lag in receiving the March scores didnot allow students the opportunity to learn what their strengths and weaknesses wereso that they couldstudy appropriately for the May SAT. Students taking the new SAT during its first year will basically be guinea pigs who are being used by the College Board to test out its new exam. The College Board will use these students' experiences as a way to find and deal with issues that come up during the first several administrations. The new SAT looks a lot like the ACT, an exam that has not changed much in decades. For example, multiple-choice questions on the new SAT have four answer choices rather than five, there are no penalty for wrong answers, and math questions are less tricky andcover topics through trigonometry.If students are going to face an exam like the ACT, they might as well just prepare for the ACT itself, since there is an abundance of practice material available for the ACT. And since the ACT is not changing, students won’t have to worry about glitches. So what should students in the class of 2017 do? Now that the "old SAT" is no longer available, we encourage current juniors to take the ACT. To get a sense of how your son or daughter might perform on the ACT, we recommend taking a free proctored exam. Please note that we at A+ provide students with full-length, proctored, actual SAT and ACT exams, not combination SAT/ACT mock exams. While it takes longer for students to take the full-length, actual exams, we believe there is no substitute for the â€Å"real thing.† Combination SAT/ACT mock exams are convenient, but do not provide accurate information about which test is a better fit, so in reality time spent taking these mock exams is wasted. If you would like to discuss SAT or ACT tutoring for your student, have questions about the new SAT or the ACT, or need any other information about college admissions exams, please contact us at, or call 215.886.9188.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Everyday Use by Alice Walker - 868 Words

Everyday Use by Alice Walker Heritage is an important factor to every developing family. Heritage helps to develop a persons values showing what they believe in. Particularly about the values of their family. In the story Everyday Use, by Alice Walker, value of heritage is a main topic. Throughout this story there are many different words used to describe what Wangero (Dee), Maggie, and their mother value. These choices of words all play an important role in the contrasting values of these people and the battle over heritage. The mother of Wangero and Maggie is the narrator of this story. It is evident at the beginning of this story, when the narrator describes her clean yard as an extended living room, that she is proud of her†¦show more content†¦This value of hardwork is proven when she describes herself as a women who can hunt and work outside all day. She is a single mother and it is apparent that she is devoted to her family because of how hard she works to support their needs. Maggie is the young est daughter of the narrator; she has many of the same values as her mother. She was burned in a fire at a young age and is ashamed of her appearance. She is often intimidated by her older sister which is confirmed when Dee arrives to visit and Maggie attempts to run into the house. The intimidation is a result of Maggies belief that Dee gets whatever she wants and is not accustomed to the word no. Maggies main value is her heritage. She appreciates things made by her ancestors. She also has knowledge about her ancestry. An example of this knowledge is when Dee asks to have a dasher. When asked if Uncle Buddy whittled the dasher Maggie is quick to respond Aunt Dees first husband whittled the dash; his name was Henry but they called him Stash. Showing that Maggie knows who did what and appreciates the accomplishments of her relatives. Dee, on the other hand, is very different from Maggie and her mother. She has been put through college and is well educated as a result. Dee returns to visit her mother and asks for several objects within the house. Her value of heritage seems to serve more as a memory of where she came from, rather than an appreciation of her familys achievements. She asks for householdShow MoreRelatedEveryday Use By Alice Walker852 Words   |  4 Pagescomes or belongs to one by reason of birth. In â€Å"Everyday Use†, by Alice Walker, the theme of the story can be considered as the meaning of heritage or even the power of education. Alice Walker uses many symbols and motifs such as the following: quilts, education, knowledge, Asalamalakim, and the renaming of Dee. In the story, African heritage and knowledge takes a major role. The African heritage plays a major role in the story, â€Å"Everyday Use†. Alice Walker emphasizes the meaning of heritage by havingRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1372 Words   |  6 PagesEverday Use† research paper In â€Å"everyday Use,† Alice Walker tells a narrative of a mother’s frustrating relationship together with her two daughters. At this facet, â€Å",Everyday Use†, tells that how a mom little by little refuses the cursory values of her older, successful daughter at the aspect of the useful values of her younger, much less lucky daughter. On a deeper outlook, Alice Walker takes on the theme of heritage and its norms as it applies to African-Americans. Everday Use, is set insideRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1102 Words   |  5 Pagespoem â€Å"Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers† can be read similar to Alice Walker s short story Everyday Use† both are compared by the women’s ways of showing their strengths and how they identify their values, expressions and strength. Advertised in the general outlines of the plot, both literary themes talks of a quest for freedom, the characters identity and self-expression. Adrienne Rich â€Å"Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers† Alice Walker â€Å"Everyday Use† Comparison Paper Analyzing the two types of literatureRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1372 Words   |  6 Pagessociety as a whole, but more specifically in the African American Community. Alice Walker gives slight insight into   what being forced   to assimilate is like. She says in her short story Everyday Use: She will stand hopelessly in corners homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. Statements such as these are a regular occurrence in her works. Walker often speaks on the ever so disheartening topic of cultural assimilation and theRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker996 Words   |  4 PagesIn the short story â€Å"Everyday Use† by Alice Walker, the author describes different ideas about one’s heritage. Culture and heritage is at the main point of the story â€Å"Everyday Use† by Alice Walker as symbolized by the quilt. The bond that Mother and Maggie share is brought by their common talent to make works of art like quilts. Dee does not have similar capacity because she does not appreciate manual labor nor believes in her heritage. The idea of pride in culture, heritage, and family is the mainRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1721 Words   |  7 PagesIn her short story â€Å"Everyday Use,† Alice Walker summarizes the representation of the beauty, the conflicts and struggles within African-American culture. â€Å"Everyday Use† focuses mainly between members of the Johnson family, consisting of a mother and her two daughters. One of the daughters Maggie, who was injured in a house fire and has living a shy life clinging to her mother for security. Her older sister is Dee, who grew up with a grace and natural beauty. â€Å"Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicerRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1111 Words   |  5 Pagestheir culture. Alice Walker highlights and distinguishes the dissimilarities and clichà © of country African American women with the actualities that make up their lives. Characterized by short, compound sentences, with long adjectives and use of literary elements, her style is eloquent conversational and authentic. Alice Walker’s short story, Everyday Use is stylistic, ironic and narrates profound interpretation of unique views and approaches to African-American culture. Walker’s use of characterizationRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1735 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Everyday Use† by Alice Walker and â€Å"Brownies† by ZZ Packer are two different short stories with different lessons but both talk about the topic of race. Both stories talks about the time in the 20th century when slavery just ended but racism are still active between African Americans and Caucasians. Walker described a story about a single African American mother who is waiting for her daughter to arrive from college. Packer described a story about these African American fourth graders who are inRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1655 Words   |  7 PagesIn â€Å"everyday Use,† Alice Walker tells a narrative of a mother’s frustrating relationship together with her two daughters. At this facet, â€Å",Everyday Use†, tells that how a mom little by little refuses the cursory values of her older, successful daughter at the aspect of the useful values of her younger, much less lucky daughter. On a deeper outlook, Alice Walker takes on the theme of heritage and its norms as it applies to African-Americans. Everday Use, is set inside the late ,60s or mid ,70sRead MoreEveryday Use By Alice Walker1447 Words   |  6 PagesAbout â€Å"Everyday Use† The conflict in the story is centered around the clash between the two worlds with which Walker s character Dee is endued. Dee increasingly accuses her heritage of the ideas and rhetoric of the new Black Pride movement. Walker weaves the theme of African cultural nationalism with a descriptive conflict immersed in family issues. On another level, Alice Walker offers a unique look at the struggling African-American woman to find both a personality and voice from the shadows of

Barbie Dolls And Self Image Essay Example For Students

Barbie Dolls And Self Image Essay Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter!Barbie dollsand Self ImageThere is a noticeable comparison betweenthe poem The Mirror By Sylvia Plath the article Barbie that appearedin the Newsday Tuesday November 18, 1997. The comparison is about how peoplelook, and how society could reflect how you may feel about your looks. In the poem The Mirror it tells abouta lady who dislikes the way she looks. She thinks of herself as being ugly. In the article it tells how Mattel (the makers of Barbie) want to changethe looks features of Barbie. The reason for wanting to change the looksis because the makers of Barbie made Barbie to pretty. Compared to normalpeople. Now being pretty is not a bad thing. But for little girls growingup they may feel like they want to look like Barbie. Barbie is very skinnyand has a great face. So little girls may stop eating or doing other things,so they could look like Barbie. But it wont happen, Barbie is a doll. Peopleare real not Barbie dolls. In the poem it shows how the lady wantsto be pretty. So the lady takes short cuts to make her self look betterto her self. Such as being in a candle lit rooms. But when the lady isin a regular lit room she becomes ugly to her self again. The reason Mattel is changing the appearanceof Barbie is because little girls impact on the way society looks uponthem. And this could hurt somones self esteem, and could damage the waysomeone looks upon ones self. In the poem the girl tries to make her selfprettier, by creating artificial pretty ness. But in the end the mirrornever lies. The poem the article compare about how the way peoplelook ad feel, and how society has a role on their lives.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Writing Proposal - Using a Template to Design Your Creative Writing for a Potential Client

Writing Proposal - Using a Template to Design Your Creative Writing for a Potential ClientA proposal is essentially the cover letter for your business. It is the introduction to your work and it shows you how much you are worth to the organization. However, when writing a proposal, you will want to follow some guidelines in order to create a very strong and powerful proposal.Write your proposal as if you are outlining your initial idea. Do not, however, stop here. You will want to write about the reasons why you are the perfect person for the job and give specific details about your skills and qualifications. In fact, this can be one of the most important parts of your proposal.You should also mention any references that might be relevant to the job. Some people write about the reasons why they are qualified but the organization may just need someone who is extremely qualified. Others will have to highlight their past accomplishments in order to make the proposal stand out above othe rs. For example, if you are new to the field, you may want to write a section on what your previous jobs have been. This will show that you are the best candidate possible for the position.You should also mention what your responsibilities are for the organization. This should be brief and don't go into too much detail. However, your duties should not be so small that you are not able to meet all of them. If your responsibilities seem impossible, the organization may consider other candidates.You should also indicate how you can meet the company's needs. This is typically something along the lines of having completed some research on the company and/or product that you believe will benefit them.The last thing that you should include in your proposal is an outline. Make sure that you always write down all of the information that you have in your mind. You should try to incorporate all ofthe parts of the proposal into one document.It is possible to write a proposal without ever using a template. However, if you are writing your proposal with a template in mind, you will need to be mindful of how each section is written. This is because you will want to be able to get the feel of the entire document.If you are unsure of how to format your proposal, you may want to ask a professional in the field for help. They may also be able to suggest some templates that can help you.