Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Barbie Dolls And Self Image Essay Example For Students

Barbie Dolls And Self Image Essay Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter!Barbie dollsand Self ImageThere is a noticeable comparison betweenthe poem The Mirror By Sylvia Plath the article Barbie that appearedin the Newsday Tuesday November 18, 1997. The comparison is about how peoplelook, and how society could reflect how you may feel about your looks. In the poem The Mirror it tells abouta lady who dislikes the way she looks. She thinks of herself as being ugly. In the article it tells how Mattel (the makers of Barbie) want to changethe looks features of Barbie. The reason for wanting to change the looksis because the makers of Barbie made Barbie to pretty. Compared to normalpeople. Now being pretty is not a bad thing. But for little girls growingup they may feel like they want to look like Barbie. Barbie is very skinnyand has a great face. So little girls may stop eating or doing other things,so they could look like Barbie. But it wont happen, Barbie is a doll. Peopleare real not Barbie dolls. In the poem it shows how the lady wantsto be pretty. So the lady takes short cuts to make her self look betterto her self. Such as being in a candle lit rooms. But when the lady isin a regular lit room she becomes ugly to her self again. The reason Mattel is changing the appearanceof Barbie is because little girls impact on the way society looks uponthem. And this could hurt somones self esteem, and could damage the waysomeone looks upon ones self. In the poem the girl tries to make her selfprettier, by creating artificial pretty ness. But in the end the mirrornever lies. The poem the article compare about how the way peoplelook ad feel, and how society has a role on their lives.

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